Saturday, October 28, 2006

Extreme photography

Taking a photograph is not always a point and click thing. This article explains some extreme photography methods and demonstrates how extreme photography creates amazing pictures.
High Speed photography
High speed photography uses several methods to shoot an object during a very short period of time. It is usually used to capture fast moving objects such as ballistic activity, water drops etc.
High speed film cameras - Better film material and camera design allow the cameras to shoot faster and advance the film faster.
Rotary prism - The film moves past a rotating prism which is synchronized to the main film sprocket. Each revolution of the prism "paints" a number of frames onto the film as there are faces on the prism.
Rotary mirror - A mirror rotated at high speeds combined with a shutter shoots the image on a still film. Allows small number of images at a very fast rate.
Full article and awesome examples of High speed photography at

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Extreme Photography and Toughbook Computers

Listen-in and learn how photographers Fred Greaves and Dave Gatley shoot and stay safe in not so friendly environments. From the brutal world of natural disasters to war zones, Fred and Dave have mastered how to get the pictures and stay safe. Being confident in yourself is huge, and being confident that your gear won't let you down is extremely important too. They'll have tips on how you can stay safe and the gear they rely on to get the job done.

More about it here at:

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Extreme Photography: Both Sides of the Lens

Our perceptions of the world are formed not only by what we see, but also by our previous experiences. When someone observes an unfamiliar place in the world, they bring with them their understanding and interpretation of their own culture, which helps to shade their perception of what they are observing or the place they are visiting.
Photographers are regarded as recorders of places, culture and events, but how much of what they are recording is inspired, driven or affected by their own experiences? In this lesson, students will begin to explore how culture and experience influence people's perceptions of places and regions.

Join one of Jimmy Chin's lessons at to learn more.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Crazy Photography Gadgets

The purpose of this section of the site is pretty obvious. As a gadget freak I'm typically the person that everyone asks about the new toys that come out -- what to buy, what questions to ask, then they go screw it up on their own. I don't like to waste any of my own money so I do an incredible amount of research into what to buy, here is where I will share that research with you. The gadgets range from TVs to Scanners to Cameras and Photography equipment, Portable Music Players, anything that i feel like buying I'll share what I know.
The first section here is a section on Photography, with some detailed information about Scanners.
NEW - How to crop an image. Taking great pictures is sometimes a matter of fixing mistakes.
The scoop on photo paper - What kind of photo paper should you buy? There's lot of different kinds available, what should you get for the results that you want.
Filters - Change the image when extremes won't let you take the photo that you want to take.
Filter Types. Table listing all filters available from Tiffen.
DSLR Lens Multiplication. 35mm may not be 35mm with your digital SLR camera.
What's a digital image??? - This page gives you the raw basics of what a digital image actually is and how it is presented to you on your monitor or on your printer.
Music Download sites and their devices - Portable Audio.

How to buy a digital camera
How to buy a photo printer

Read about all this and much more at

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Tiffen Digital Camera Lens Filters

You'd be surprised how big a difference a little filter can make on the pictures you take. If your camera accepts lens filters (and most do), check out Tiffen's offerings. Tiffen manufactures a wide range of filters for use on both consumer and pro-level digital cameras, including ultraviolet, polarizing, light-balancing, color graduated, color conversion, color compensating, and special effects filters. Tiffin also makes a number of adapter rings and other camera accessories. See the company's website for the full range of products.

They are a lot of fun - check them out at

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Photography Coolest Gadgets

Just like the iPod, nearly everyone has a digital camera today. Despite being able to take far more photos than before, one of the biggest stumbling blocks of digital cameras is the fact that many of us do not process our photographs unlike the good old days where there were negatives to be developed. Instead, we just store all our memories in a digital format on some hard drive or memory card somewhere, without ever showing them off to the world. This is where Digital Photo Frames enter the picture, enabling you to share your memories with loved and close ones.

This and more at

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pocket Guide To Outdoor Photography

This is a nifty little pocket guide provide quick reference to outdoor photography techniques via edge-tabbed pages. Succinct info on equipment use, films, clothing to wear for camouflage & weather protection.

You can get it here
You can get it here.

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Wireless Tools For The Outdoor Photographer

Wireless Tools For The Outdoor Photographer
Newtechnologies cut the cables and give us expanded creative options

Although photography is my medium of choice, I've always admired the simplicity of the painter's toolbox. Canvas, brushes and paint - it doesn't get less complicated.

As photographers, we're increasingly burdened with an array of highly technical tools and the spaghetti system of wires that connect them. Digital photography has added even more cables to the tangle, and you might be feeling like the wires are closing in.

If necessity is the mother of invention, we suspect convenience to be its father. Recent advancements in wireless technology have improved and expanded the wireless options for photographers who work with flash, solving practical problems in the field for sophisticated lighting setups, but also making flash easier to use in less-demanding situations. New products have improved the reliability and range of wireless flash solutions and allowed the miniaturization of components to help lessen the load we carry in the field.

Wireless technology is also helping to cut the cords in the post-capture process. Wireless Fidelity, or WiFi, lets us build networks at home or in the studio, which offers many possibilities for more convenient photo storage, management and editing. More recently, camera and printer makers have begun to offer models with WiFi capability built in or available as an option, further reducing our umbilical dependencies.

Wes Pitts's article at gives a lot of good info.

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Camera Bags and alternatives

There are two general rule about camera bags:
Any camera bag will be just slightly too small to carry all the kit you want to take with you
Camera bags will always be slightly too large and heavy to carry comfortably on any occasion.

Few photographers can make do with a single bag, and will have an assortment used for different occasions. I have five that I use and several that I don't.

Read about them at

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Welcome to the shoebox!

What is it?
The shoebox is a giant collection of bookmarked photos added from various sources on the web. Your shoebox is a small subset that you chose to display.
What are Photo Sources?
Sources are sets of photos. The photos you have individually added make up a source (called "Me"). Photos added by other users are sources. All photos tagged with the same word make up sources. RSS feeds may also be added as sources but they are time-sensitive (you can add them permanently if you choose!)
How do I select which photos to display/view?
Select the Photo Sources that you want to display. Your shoebox is fluid, it is easy to add and delete, select and unselect!
What are Filters?
Use Filters to further refine the photos you want to display. If you want to view your photos from your trip to France, you would check "Me" as a Photo Source, and "France" as a Filter. To see all photos of France (submitted by everyone), you would click the "France" tag link in one of your France photos and generate a new Photo Source.

Read it all here: in the Webshots Shoebox.

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Downloading Photos and Movies from Newsgroups

Newsgroups are possibly the oldest download communities still receiving heavy use online, with roots dating back to the late 1970s. I'm not sure if anyone has a count of the entire known universe, but most estimates suggest more than 50,000. Microsoft currently hostsover 2,000 individual groups dedicated to highly active discussion about their products. Most of the newgroup traffic today focuses on area like where people swap things like images, movies and music similar to p2p applications. If you're dipping your toe into the newgroup world for the first time, I suggest taking them for a test drive through servers provided by your ISP, which are generally included as part of your monthly access fee. There are a few tricks to getting a great experience from newgroups. I'll walk through the basics of setting up newsgroup access to get you started.
There are a number of ways to view newsgroups, each with their respective strengths and weaknesses. Free email clients Thunderbird and Outlook Express both support newsgroups, but really work best for dealing with text newsgroups. Still, using a free app is a decent way to get started providing some background for the more advanced features available in standalone newsreaders later. For this tutorial, I'll walk through setting up Thunderbird as a newsreader.
For an introduction to browsing newsgroups, a good place to start is the servers provided by your ISP. Some ISPs use one of the bigger newsgroup services as their backbone and limit the amount of data you can download each month. I'm a Comcast customer. Comcast uses the Giganews servers for newsgroups, but limits monthly downloads to 2GB. What this means is, if I download 2GB of data through the newsgroups, I'm done until the account is reset for next month. If you are downloading pictures through newsgroups, a 2GB limit may be enough. Downloading music or movies will likely put you over the threshold within the first day or week of the download cycle.

more here:

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Is there an easy way to rename a group of photos?

Yes. First, it's best to organize your photos into folders based on the subject matter or date of the photos. For example, if you have photos of your child's 4th birthday party, your vacation, and your brother's wedding, then you might want to create folders called: 4th Birthday, Vacations - 2005, and Jim's Wedding.
Now with your photos categorized, renaming them all at once is easy. Just follow these steps:

Downloading and working with digital photos

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Your Photography Business Plan by Cindy Bracken

A business plan serves as a blueprint for your photography business, and will probably change over time as your business develops and grows. Writing a business plan is time-consuming, but it is time well-spent. There are several reasons why you should write a solid business plan.

Please click the link above and read on.

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Podcasting For Your Business

Looking for a new way to reach potential customers?
Learn how to create new opportunities for your business with podcasting. Learn how easy it is to start your own podcast. can help you.

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How To Manage Your Small (Photo)-Business offer full length articles that deal with managing your small ( photography )business.
Very useful and interesting to read.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Tonal Reproduction Curves

This article describes some simple experiments Don Lashier performed to help him understand the tonal treatment of several raw image converters. The camera was a Canon 1D, and the converters were Canon's Raw Image Converter (RIC) and PhaseOne's CaptureOne DSLR (C1). After Don began the study Adobe released the Camera Raw (CR) converter so he added some comparisions for this new converter.
He has an excellent gallery too!

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Curves: Stepping Up From Levels

We've spent a few weeks now getting our feet wet adjusting image brightness and contrast in Photoshop using Levels. Now it's time to wade in a bit further and start taking a look at Curves. Just the basics, along with what the adjustments we've already done in Levels look like in Curves.

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The 1-2-3 of Photoshop Levels

So, you're trying to learn how to optimize your photos in Photoshop. Nothing radical, of course. Basically just the digital equivalent of what has been done in the traditional darkroom for years. With any number of ways to do even simple things, Photoshop can seem a bit overwhelming at first though. explains why Levels is a much better alternative.

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