Saturday, February 05, 2011

Hall of Mosses - Hoh Rain Forest Olympic National Park, WA, USA

Hall of Mosses, part of the Hoh Rain Forest, probably gives the best cross-section of the temperate rain forest ecology in Olympic National Park (ONP), northwest Washington.
Towering Douglas firs, huge bigleaf maple trees draped with yellowish-green moss, little streams, tiny waterfalls ... Walking into this forest is like walking into another world.

Hall of Mosses - Hoh Rain Forest Olympic National Park, WA, USA

Hall of Mosses - Hoh Rain Forest Olympic National Park, WA, USA - Christine Till Fine Art Photography
© CT-Graphics - Christine Till 2011

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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Fog accents of Seattle, WA

It is said that the summer of 2010 was the foggiest on record in the Pacific Northwest and in Washington state. During the morning hours fog was drifting over The Emerald City like a blanket, intensifying the mystic quality of a classic Seattle scenery, where nature and city meet to create visual harmony.
The fog soon vanished, and downtown Seattle, and its mix of historic and contemporary architecture, once again dominated Puget Sound.

Fog accents of Seattle, WA

Fog accents of Seattle, WA - Christine Till Fine Art Photography
© CT-Graphics - Christine Till 2011

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Monday, January 31, 2011

Gorge Creek Falls - North Cascades National Park, WA

Water is the essence of the North Cascades. It falls from the sky, melts off of glaciers, rages in rivers and - most dramatically - plunges from high places in spectacular waterfalls. One of them is Gorge Creek Falls.
The Gorge Creek dramatically tumbles down a 242 foot waterfall and then trickles down its last couple hundred yards to its confluence with the Skagit River just below the Gorge Dam.

Manitou Cliff Dwellings, Mesa Verde, Colorado

Gorge Creek Falls - North Cascades National Park, WA - Christine Till Fine Art Photography
© CT-Graphics - Christine Till 2011

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Stuck in the Middle

Often compared to the Alps, the North Cascades contains innumerable steep, glaciated mountains, mostly ranging from 7000 to 9000 feet. Waterfalls are so abundant in the these mountains � they are the characteristic that gave the Cascades their name.
Gorge Creek Falls sits in the Ross Lake National Recreation Area of North Cascades National Park, Washington state. The main vantage point of these falls is a metal bridge. The deck of the Gorge Creek Bridge is grating. It sways and shudders when traffic goes over it, and if you are afraid of heights I do not recommend walking out on the deck.

Stuck in the Middle

Stuck in the Middle - Christine Till Fine Art Photography
© CT-Graphics - Christine Till 2011

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