Saturday, May 03, 2008

Scott Kelby's The Digital Photography Book is Best-Selling Digital Photography Book Ever

Peachpit announced that Scott Kelby's The Digital Photography Book has been recognized as the best-selling digital photography book ever by Nielsen Bookscan, with over 250,000 copies currently in print.

The Digital Photography Book includes nearly 200 of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade," written in Kelby's inimitable friendly, accessible, shooting-buddy voice. This concise guide to digital photography has helped hundreds of thousands of readers shoot dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos.

"Scott Kelby's book continues to resonate with readers and photographers of different skill levels," said Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, Publisher and Vice President of Peachpit and the Pearson Technology Group. "With his approachable style, Scott's hard-earned practical advice on digital photography has his readers constantly clamoring for more from their beloved author."
The Digital Photography Book is available at,, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and other retailers nationwide, and as an e-book via Safari.
For more information, please visit
To view more of Scott Kelby's best-selling work, go to

About The Author
Kelby is president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals--a trade organization for Adobe Photoshop users with more than 70,000 members in over 100 countries worldwide. He was recognized in 2007 as the top computer book author for the fourth year in a row, according to Nielsen BookScan data. Editor-in-Chief of both Photoshop User and Layers magazines, Scott serves as training director for the Adobe Photoshop Seminar Tour and is the technical chair of the Photoshop World Conference & Expo. In addition to the Down & Dirty Tricks and Killer Tips book series, Scott is also the author of Scott Kelby's 7-Point System for Adobe Photoshop CS3 and The Digital Photography Book. For more information, visit and

About Peachpit
Berkeley-based Peachpit has been publishing the industry's best-selling books on the latest in graphic design, desktop publishing, multimedia, Web design and development, digital video, and general Macintosh computing since 1986. Its award-winning books feature step-by-step explanations, time-saving techniques, savvy insider tips, and expert advice for computer users of all sorts. It is the home of the internationally recognized Visual QuickStart Guide series, the design imprint New Riders and its highly popular Voices That Matter series, and is the publishing partner for Adobe Press,, Kelby Training/NAPP, Apple Certified, AIGA Design Press and others. Peachpit is part of Pearson (NYSE:PSO), the international media company. Pearson's primary operations also include the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group.
Learn more at

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Friday, May 02, 2008

Stock Photography Sites

Want to make money taking pictures?
Visit a few of these websites to find out more about submitting your photos and making some commissions.

You need to know that all photographs taken which include an identifiable person will require a legal model release. Normally each site has their own model release downloadable off of their website, however a professional photographer should retain the release for just their personal business or self and not include the stock company in the release. There could be legal issues later if the stock-photography company is part of the contract. Use a general Model Release. This form was found at

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