Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kitsch vs. Beauty

As a landscape photographer you sometimes have to decide whether you take a picture that lets things look just good, romantic, beautiful and intact though it might have its ugly sides. There is a borderline, and crossing it means to produce kitsch.

What do think? What are the typical signs of kitsch? What do you use, what do you avoid?
Here are some answers:

C.G. Hubbell, May 03, 2005; 09:43 a.m.
The meanings of kitsch I found are these:
Sentimentality or vulgar, often pretentious bad taste, especially in the arts: When money tries to buy beauty it tends to purchase a kind of courteous kitsch (William H. Gass).
An example or examples of kitsch. I'm not sure that I would view landscapes as kitsch, except perhaps an extremely poorly composed one... Now cliche, that's something I see all the time, but I don't think that's what you are getting at. Nature presents beauty in many forms. When I'm working on a landscape I try to find the compositions that accentuate the details people would usually overlook. My mission is to show people what they are missing.
Sometimes that involves including some bad with the good, but in those cases I try to find an angle that minimizes the bad so the beauty shines through. I think it's like a glamour shot without cloning out pimples. An average person would still find the model beautiful even with a small red dot on her nose.
For example, in this shot there is a bit of glare on a car windshield in the parking lot, but I think it is overwhelmingly outgunned by the lines and brilliant lighting. It's all about balance.
Bonsignore Ezio, May 03, 2005; 10:55 a.m.
As someone who has been living in Germany for the past 25 years and is still struggling to grasp all the nuances of the language, I would venture to say this: kitsch (in arts) is something that pretends to be refined, elegant or stilish, but actually originates from very simple, low-level (although not necessarily bad) tastes. You could think of it as roughly corresponding to "snob" as regards humans. In the specific case of landscape photography, kitsch has nothing to do with the photos including some ugly aspects. Rather, kitsch is, say, the type of photos (castles, gardens, etc.) that were used in the past for chocolate boxes, and that you can still find on ijg puzzles. What make these kitsch is not the choice of the subject or the way it is treated, but rather the pretention of them being "good" photos. Millions of people take exactly the same photos for their own purposes, but these are not kitsch; are simply photos of no particular artistic value.
Gleb Baida, May 03, 2005; 11:14 a.m.
IMHO, the most spread and malignant kitsch in landscape photography is oversaturated colors which one sees in every album or calendar. Common mantra is "Polarize, warm with 81A+B+C, use "original" Velvia, than play with photoshop". Boring.
Lex (perpendicularity consultant) Jenkins , May 04, 2005; 03:23 a.m.
The first color photos I saw of the slot canyons were fine. Now they're kitsch. Wave after wave of unending photos of orangey rocks and a single pool of light. Velvia. 20mm lens. Polarizer. The only difference now is more folks are shooting digital instead of Velvia and pumping up the saturation in Photoshop.
I try to avoid color photography of landscapes altogether. Mostly I shoot b&w film. Sure, it's just as easy to fall into cliched traps, but I seem to be able to dance around those traps most of the time. Lacking color I'm forced to pay more attention to shapes and lighting.
The debates over whether Loretta Lux is an artist or purveyor of kitsch are a bit more challenging.
Gloria Hopkins, May 04, 2005; 05:24 a.m.
Good question. I appreciate Bonsignore?s take on kitsch, and am not entirely sure of its place in landscape photography. Given that, here?s what I hope to avoid in my future landscapes:
Unimaginative compositions of covered bridges, waterfalls, coastlines and mountains.
The clich?single object placed in the bullseye for the sake of flexing creative knowledge and ?breaking the rules.?
Anything ?romantic.?
I like mystery, violence, fog, weather, raging clouds and storms, colors on fire - nature at its wildest and most treacherous. You can keep your peaceful streams and lullaby scenics.
Gloria Hopkins, May 04, 2005; 05:25 a.m.
I have no idea why all my punctuation has turned into question marks. Most annoying. Sorry.
Greg S, May 04, 2005; 01:37 p.m.
Discussions refering to what is 'kitsch' and what is not tend to end up elitist and condescending. Kitsch is in the eye of the beholder, just as beauty is. Perhaps the 'versus' juxtaposition is kitsch in its own right.
I do agree that over saturation is the quickest route to making a photo take on a kitschy feel. I do not agree that various compositional approaches need automatically apply for kitsch citizenship. :p
Bill Sullivan, May 04, 2005; 02:30 p.m.
Dear Dark,
I wish you had been more specific about what you mean by kitsch or what you see as the "ugly" sides to a picture. If you are talking about colors that are too saturated for your taste, one solution might be to switch to a less saturated film (or raise your ISO setting if you shoot digital). Another would be to open the image in your software (such as PhotoShop) and convert it to black and white or perhaps simulated infrared. If you understand how to add a New Adjustment Layer in PhotoShop, you can do some playing around with that. If by "ugly sides" you mean things in a landscape photo that are man-made, I have been known to alter the landscape with the PhotoShop Healing Brush tool, not to mention the Marquee tool.
steve swinehart, May 04, 2005; 04:36 p.m.
Kitsch really means trash. The original meaning was cheap art that appealed to low brow taste. In the past 25 or so years, many people have taken a second look at kitsch items and found them to be artistic in their own right. Paint-by-number paintings for example.
I'm not sure how you can define "what are the typical signs of kitsch?" Cliche yes, kitsch I don't think so. How does the "ugly side" make it kitsch?
Personally, I like ugly when used appropriately. Lots of times it's far more interesting to look at than beautiful which can become boring rather rapidly.
Please define the borderline further. I'm totally unaware of any borderline in photography. Photos are either interesting or boring. That's the only borderline I can recognize.
Gloria Hopkins, May 05, 2005; 05:25 a.m.
Lex: thanks for the Loretta Lux link. Do you like it? I very much do not. Very unnatural look for children. They look too old and wise and miserable and already ruined. Whether her work is kitsch or not, the girl knows how to get herself seen. I was most impressed by that!
Gloria Hopkins, May 05, 2005; 05:26 a.m.
Oops, I didn't mean thanks for the link. I meant I looked her up and found a link. I'm a spazz today.........
Lex (perpendicularity consultant) Jenkins , May 05, 2005; 11:00 a.m.
Steve, kitsch is certainly not trash. It's art for hipsters. Temporary, maybe. Trendy, definitely. Trash? Nope.
Gloria, knowing what Loretta Lux is up to with her photography (or assuming we know) makes it easier to come to terms with. She's coming from an artistic background outside conventional photography. It's just another way to express her personal aesthetic.
I don't claim to personally know what she's up to. But she's very clever and very beautiful, in a cool, touch-me-not sort of way. A compelling complexity.
steve swinehart, May 05, 2005; 01:26 p.m.
Lex, the word "kitsch" is derived from a German word meaning trash. The trash meaning was applied by highbrow art connoisseurs in the 1920's who viewed lowbrow art being "trash" and labeled it "kitsch" as a derogatory "in" art term of the time.
Kitsch as legitimate art today is a completely different matter. I was speaking of the original meaning and application of the word - not what's fashionable or trendy today in art appreciation.
Gloria Hopkins, May 05, 2005; 02:26 p.m.
Thanks Lex: I need to be more flexible and I didn't mean to beat her up. It's cool, I guess, in a creep-you-out sort of way.
steve swinehart, May 05, 2005; 03:20 p.m.
I dug out my German / English dictionary. It appears I was wrong, but in context the meaning is not all that different.
The direct translation of kitsch from German to English means "junk."
So, the lowbrow art being referenced as kitsch is junk not trash. Hope that makes a difference....
Bill Sullivan, May 05, 2005; 06:49 p.m.
Webster's Third International Dictionary (the unabridged one) defines kitsch as "Artistic or literary material held to be of low quality, often produced to appeal to popular taste, and marked especially by sentimentalism, sensationalism, and slickness." It gives two sources of the origin, one the German word kitschen which it says means to slap (a work of art) together, and German dialect where it says it means to scrape up mud from the street.
The first of three definitions given by the Third Edition of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language is "art or artwork characterized by sentimental, often pretentious bad taste."
The Quintessential Dictionary by I. Moyer Hunsberger defines it as "Art, literature, etc of a pretentious but shallow kind, calculated to have an immediate popular appeal."
Lex (perpendicularity consultant) Jenkins , May 06, 2005; 01:36 a.m.
Considering that making artwork from found materials has a tradition dating back to the beginning of the 20th century and that some of it has been elevated in critical esteem there's no shame in one of the definitions of "kitsch".
The force of popular culture has redefined the term anyway so the etymology is irrelevant. Language, like art, is a malleable thing, whether or not we approve.
During the 19th century a coy sexual component became a staple of that era's potboilers and melodramas, which culminated in Bram Stoker's "Dracula". Similar flirtations with kitschy sexuality appeared in lushly colored paintings of fathers leading their virgin daughters across bridges toward marriage. Swords and similar phallic references were everpresent. It was considered fine art by the bourgeoise, kitsch during the jaded Bauhaus era (ironically, since Bauhaus was typified by elements that employed the use of materials that seemed "found" from the growing industrial influence), and now, again, fine art by some aficionados.
Lux is clever enough in her austerity to appreciate not only the distinctions of the varied definitions of kitsch, but astute enough to know how to capitalize on it. Her outdoor backgrounds - essentially landscapes - are photographed separately from her photos of children. Each component is digitally tweaked just enough to present a heightened sense of reality. But some of her landscapes alone, without the human models, would stand alone if she wanted to present them that way.
Bill Sullivan, May 06, 2005; 09:14 a.m.
Lex: I liked your previous phrase, "a compelling complexity."
Lex (perpendicularity consultant) Jenkins , May 06, 2005; 02:56 p.m.
My journalism instructors told me that my predilection for alliteration and onomatopoeia were not often among my more admirable qualities.
You can only imagine how difficult it was for me to resist using either in this post. ;>
Robert Roaldi, May 09, 2005; 10:04 p.m.
I checked my dictionary and it claims that "kitsch" is a painting of the last supper in velvet with a neon halo over Jesus' head. But if the seller is working out of a sidewalk stand near a gas station, then it's camp.

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Aperture Update Improves Performance

Apple released an update to its professional photography workflow application Aperture, bringing the most current version to 1.5.3. The update addresses issues related to overall reliability and performance, ...

Apple released an update to its professional photography workflow application Aperture, bringing the most current version to 1.5.3. The update addresses issues related to overall reliability and performance, according to the company.
Specific fixes include reviews now update properly when images are sent to an external editor; Leaf Aptus 22 and Aptus 75 images are now imported with the correct orientation; and when folders are imported as projects, the folder structure is now correctly preserved when identically named subfolders are included in the hierarchy.
Aperture 1.5.3 also corrects problems reconnecting referenced images that have been externally edited. Finally, setting the ColorSync profile in the Aperture Print dialog now correctly suppresses color management settings in the Mac OS X Print dialog.
Aperture 1.5.3 is available from Apple's Web site.
For more Macintosh computing news, visit Macworld.

credits: Jim Dalrymple, Macworld. Mac Publishing LLC and PC World,130996-c,graphicsmultimedia/article.html

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Winter Sports Action Photography Tips

Skiing and snowboarding are incredibly photogenic sports, but they're fraught with gotchas: extreme weather that can harm both you and your camera, difficult lighting (only for the inexperienced), and of course participants who could be zooming right at you at the speed of a fast car. But good planning, the right equipment, developing a sense of timing and knowing where to stand (or crouch) can all help you overcome these problems so you can capture some serious winter action.

Low-flying boarder: Even a snowboard jump that's only a few inches off the ground will look impressively airborne if you shoot from a low angle with a wide-angle lens.

It's cold out there Let's talk about the weather: It will be cold. Dress appropriately. Wear layers, and an outer jacket that has flaps and vents that can open and close so you can regulate airflow and control your body temperature. Keep in mind that dressing for photographing skiing may be similar to, but not exactly the same as, dressing to ski (or to snowboard). Unlike skiers, who are active and warm up naturally that way, you may find yourself staying in one place for a relatively long time, and may need more warmth. A handwarmer couldn't hurt.

Bring the right camera gear Snow, when it melts, is wet. So, make sure your camera is sealed against it. (See Bob Atkins' excellent article about using your camera gear in the winter). Consider buying a rain/snow cover for your camera such as the Kata DGC Series E-702 Elements Cover.

To capture skiers and snowboarders, a DSLR is a must. Compact cameras may take longer to focus, have slow reaction times, and their tiny buttons may be impossible to operate if you're wearing gloves. For a lens, bring two: a wide angle lens and a midrange tele zoom, in the 70-200mm (35mm equivalent) range. You won't need a tripod--it's going to be bright out there, and a tripod can get in the way. Mobility is key. And bring the highest-capacity memory card possible--you'd hate to have to change cards in the middle of all that snow and cold.

Read on about Exposing for snow, Get in position, Find a cooperative partner, here:
Warm up--carefully!
When you're done, be sure to follow Bob Atkins' guidelines for re-entering a warm indoor climate with cold camera gear in his Winter Photography Tips article. You don't want sudden condensation to ruin your gear.
See you on the slopes!

credits: Mason Resnick, the Editor-in-Chief of the AIRC - Adorama Imaging Resource Center.

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Canon PowerShot TX1

The first look at a bold new concept

First of Its Kind
With the PowerShot TX1, Canon takes a futuristic wish-list and makes it a reality. This is an ELPH-sized camera with a whopping 10x optical zoom that not only captures 7.1 megapixel images, but HD movies, too! The stylish vertical design in stainless steel houses plenty of premium advancements including Optical Image Stabilizer Technology, DIGIC III Image Processor, Face Detection Technology and Red-eye Correction. And because you'll want to take this compact wonder everywhere, it's equipped with a built-in lens cover and tough new scratch-resistant, anti-reflective coating on the LCD screen.

New concept ELPH-sized 7.1 Megapixel digital camera with ultra-compact Canon 10x Optical Zoom lens and proprietary Optical Image Stabilizer Technology

DIGIC III Image Processor with improved Face Detection Technology and Red-eye Correction for sharper images and improved functionality

Enjoy the unprecedented clarity of 1280 x 720 HD movies at 30 fps with Face Detection, stereo sound and 1080i component video playback

1.8-inch Vari-Angle, Wide-View LCD with scratch-resistant / anti-reflection/anti-fingerprint coating for easy on-camera viewing

Sensitivity range expanded to ISO 1600 for sharper photos in low light, with ISO Auto Shift for the right sensitivity in any situation

Elegant all-metal construction with built-in lens cap for enhanced durability

Print/Share Button for easy direct printing and downloading, plus ID Photo Print and Movie Print with select PIXMA Photo Printers, CP and SELPHY Compact Photo Printers

take a look at the camera here:

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fine Art B&W and Infrared Techniques in Photoshop CS3

Free Educational Event!

An Evening With Jack Davis
Fine Art B&W and Infrared Techniques in Photoshop CS3
Tuesday April 24th, 6-8 p.m.
At the Lyceum Theatre Gallery in Horton Plaza In San Diego's historic Gaslamp Quarter

Jack Davis, award winning author, designer, photographer and Photoshop Hall-of-Famer, will speak and demonstrate his Fine Art B&W and Infrared Techniques using Photoshop CS3. Jack is the master of Digital Infrared and many other fine art Photoshop techniques! Come and learn something that will put WOW! in your work!
All who attend this free event will receive a discount on registration for a full-day "How to Wow Live" Training Camp. Jack's tour goes to many cities, including San Diego and Los Angeles! This all-new, five-part seminar is packed with indispensable insights, techniques and time-savers to make your experience in Photoshop (especially the new CS3) more productive, not to mention dramatically more creative and profitable.
Special Thanks to our sponsor, Software Cinema, for providing this FREE opportunity to hear Jack Davis next Tuesday, April 24th, 6-8 p.m. at the Lyceum Theatre Gallery!
If you haven't seen The Art of Photography Show yet, this is a perfect opportunity. Everyone in attendance at the gallery next Tuesday evening will receive a FREE Catalog for The Art of Photography Show, a $20 value.
The Lyceum Theatre Gallery is open (free) seven days a week.
Gallery hours: Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Weekends: Noon to 9 p.m. Exhibition

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Q&A with National Geo Shooters on Beta Testing Digital Railroad's Marketplace

The veteran National Geographic photographic team of Sisse and Cotton was born at a National Geographic photo seminar in 1976. Both in their early 20s at the time, they bonded over being assigned to attend the Nikon School afterwards, which was slated for more entry-level shooters. Now married for 30 years, the two credit Geographic as their matchmaker and now work together shooting for magazines, books and exhibits. Their careers flourished ever since their first meeting, first independently, then together. As they united more as a couple, so did their styles merge into a more unified message. They are currently working ona black and white body of work that they are expanding into a book and gallery exhibit.

read the Q&A as Reported by Alysha Sideman at$2481

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Professional Techniques for Pet and Animal Photography

What makes a good animal portrait photographer?...

From posing a wiggly ferret to encouraging a frog to sit in one place, this guide's specialized techniques will benefit both existing animal photographers and newcomers looking to diversify their portrait business. Discussed are the personality traits best suited to the business, ways to create a people- and animal-friendly studio, and tips for making clients and their pets feel at home in the studio through the selection of decor, backdrops, furnishings, and props that wear well and are easy to sanitize. Technical advice includes which lenses and cameras lend themselves to animal portraiture, the advantages of shooting digitally, and the best shutter speeds and apertures for the job. The unique challenges of pet photography are covered, such as how to get the best expressions from pets with attention-getters suited to each type of pet. Special techniques for working with dogs, cats, horses, birds, ferrets, reptiles, and other creatures are provided.

Debrah H. Muska - Author of Professional Techniques for Pet and Animal Photography - is a professional photographer and studio owner and the recipient of two Kodak Gallery Awards and a Fuji Masterpiece Award. She lives in Newark Valley, New York.
The book provides a few good tips on how to understand and deal with animals behaviours. There are lots of great photos and ideas throughout the book.
Available at

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Iranian Photography Exhibit Shows Americans a Personal Iran

“It was not just looking at portfolios. I met the artists, went to their studios”
The first major exhibition of contemporary Iranian photography in the United States emphasizes the interior life of individuals and families in Iran over journalism or documentary-type photography.

Persian Visions: Contemporary Photography From Iran tours 11 U.S. cities
College Park, Maryland -- The first major exhibition of contemporary Iranian photography in the United States emphasizes the interior life of individuals and families in Iran over journalism or documentary-type photography.

Co-curators Hamid Severi, of the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Iran, and Gary Hallman, of the Regis Center for Art at the University of Minnesota, chose photos to show American audiences that, although Iran is awash in photojournalism, its photographers also have a modern, artistic sensibility, Hallman told USINFO. Persian Visions: Contemporary Photography From Iran travels to museums in 11 cities through 2009.
Hallman said the photographers in Persian Visions represent an "attitude" that photography is "a way to represent an idea, rather than show you what something looks like." He said the work measures up to the most poetic photography being exhibited worldwide, which increasingly is done by "interlopers," sculptors or artists who have no concern about photographic traditions.

full article by USINFO Staff WriterElizabeth Kelleher, and amazing images at

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Digital Sports Photography Help and Tips

Catch the excitement of sporting events with your digital camera. Photography tips to help you take photos of home runs, slam dunks, 50-yard passes, soccer and hockey goals, and more.

You can freeze that one moment in time
Sports photography gets you up close and personal with the action you crave, the athletes you idolize, or the activities that make memories for your children. It also provides plenty of frustration for amateurs and professionals alike. How do you shoot on a rainy day? What about the crowd at the finish line? Can you capture the tension as the ball trembles on the rim? You can, with the professional advice these experts provide. No matter what your sport or level of expertise, this book can make you a better digital sports photographer.
Benefit from the advice of more than 20 top sports photographers, including Terrell Lloyd, official photographer for the San Francisco 49ers
Learn to handle bad lighting, weather, fast-moving athletes, flash limitations, and other challenges
Identify key things to consider when switching from film to digital
Get specific advice on how to shoot a wide range of sports: extreme, outdoor, indoor, competitive, recreational, and more
Discover ways to sell your photos and manage legal issues
See dozens of full-color examples illustrating professional tips and techniques
Take great photos with any kind of digital camera, from a point-and-shoot to an SLR
Find out how to get photos onto the Web easily and quickly.
Author: Serge Timacheff David Karlins
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 0764596071
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
List Price: $29.99
Pages: 358
Publication Date: 08/17/2005
Release Status: Print
Category: PhographyGeneral

get it at:

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AP Wins Pulitzer for Dramatic Photo

Oded Balilty was covering a violent clash in the West Bank last year when he came across a haunting image: Israeli officers in riot gear pushing against a lone Jewish settler who resisted their charge with all her might.
'I saw this woman hesitate a little bit, and I saw the line of the police and I just grabbed my camera,' he said. 'It just was there.'
The photo won The Associated Press photographer the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography on Monday.
The image stemmed from a clash in the West Bank settlement of Amona, east of the Palestinian town of Ramallah, in February 2006. About 200 people were wounded as hundreds of stone-throwing Jewish settlers resisted a forced evacuation of the illegal outpost. The violence came after a court allowed the demolition of nine homes at the site. Read more

credits: The Associated Press

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Wildlife Photo Tips and Techniques - Essential reading

Improve your wildlife photo skills with Nigel Dennis extensive info on photo tips and techniques. In depth articles on shooting action, working with light, creating ultra sharp images, choosing photo hardware including image stabilizer lenses, making hides, mastering fill flash, choosing the right aperture and field craft. Click on the titles below to view a feature. Please browse, enjoy, and feel free to download if you wish!
Photo Hardware
Choosing the Right Aperture
Field Craft
Getting Really Sharp
Shooting Action
Image Stabiliser Technology
Fill Flash

Getaway Guide to Wildlife PhotographyBased on 20 years of travelling through southern Africa’s finest game reserves the author imparts much of his hard earned wisdom in a straightforward way that simplifies the technical complexities of wild life photography. With both digital and film media the art of making a picture come alive lies in its composition and lighting. Nigel shows the reader how to recognize 'golden light' as well as valuable advice on how to greatly improve the appearance of a photograph in other less than ideal lighting situations. Even the more complex aspects of photography such as selecting the appropriate aperture and shutter speed, making exposure compensations, and fill flash techniques are explained in clear simple terms. Apart from the invaluable photographic advice offered the author shares South Africa’s best-kept wildlife secrets: where to go to photograph wildlife, the best time of year to visit, and the game species you are most likely to find as subjects in each reserve. Reviews include '...the most useful book on wildlife photography I have ever read'. Revised edition 2004 Sunbird Publishing. ISBN 0 624 04064 X. Soft cover 28cm x 21cm. 48 pages. Price R89.95 (approx $12 or GB Pounds 8.20)

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Photograph Animals in the Wild

Shots of animals in the wild can be hard to come by but are magnificent if they are captured well.
It is hard to appreciate the difficulty in taking wildlife photographs until you actually try it. We take for granted the wildlife images that we see on television or in books and magazines and it all seems so easy. In reality there is much more involved in photographing wildlife then just going out on a whim and taking a few shots. Successful wildlife photography takes careful planning, determination and much patience. Much of the time taken in wildlife photography is planning where to shoot and waiting quietly and patiently in a hide for that shot.
Many wild animals are extremely fast, especially small ones. Once the opportunity to shoot the little critters arises, there is no time to waste; the camera must be at the ready. Fast shutter speeds are essential for most wildlife images to avoid blur in an image from the subject's movement. Long lenses are also needed to fill the frame with a subject that may be some distance away. Because fast shutter speeds are difficult to come by with long lenses, fast lenses combined with fast film is also a requirement.
Wild animals are not always found in the deepest jungles, you may see them in your own backyard. Small creatures like squirrels, hedgehogs, badgers and foxes are considered wild and often dare to roam near human habitation.
Do not under any circumstances jeopardise an animals safety or force them by whatever means to do what they do not want to do. Animal cruelty comes in many forms and should not be used to contrive any sort of an animal image.

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If you want to learn more about all kinds of photography, take a look at our complete full length courses. All are tutor assisted with full instructions and projects.
Basic Photography Course For the beginner, this tutor assisted level 1 course assumes you have little or no knowledge of photography. Suitable for both digital and film users.
Digital Photography Course This course shows how to capture digital images, use manipulation programs to add effects and enhancements, and print and display your work. Includes image restoration.
Glamour Photography Course This level 2 course assumes you know your way around a camera. It takes you further with studio lighting setups, home studio, model portfolios, posing guide, multiple lighting guide, model releases, make up and more.
Freelance Photography Course This level 2 course is essential if you want to make money with your camera. Imagine being paid to be do something you love doing, well you can now with School of
Black and White Photography Course Have you ever wanted to learn how to develop film at home? Then go on to make your own prints using an enlarger in a darkroom? Then this level 2 course is the right start for you.
Landscape Photography Course Find out how to improve your landscapes with this level 2 course. Packed full of illustrations, examples, full text and projects.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Secrets of Successful Aerial Photography
by Richard Eller
Format: Paperback, 112pp.ISBN: 1584280182Publisher: Amherst Media, Incorporated Pub.

Aerial photography has much in common with other fields of photography however repeated success demands a knowledge of techniques and equipment beyond those familiar to photographers who shoot only from the ground. This book explores the unique characteristics and conditions of aerial photography, including compensating for changes in altitude and the motion of a plane, selecting the right film, and dealing with cloud cover, sun angle, water glare, and atmospheric haze. Information is provided on essential camera systems, lenses, motor drives, gyro stabilizers, grips, viewfinders, and panoramic cameras that insure quality results. Tips on identifying subjects, hiring a pilot, planning flights, and marketing aerial photos are also included.
To order your copy Click Here
For more information on Richard Eller and to view a portfolio of his photography Click Here
To view a larger selection of books on aerial photography please visit our associate site the Aerial Arts Gallery of Aerial Photography by Clicking Here
Click Here to visit Aerial Images

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