Monday, November 13, 2006

Reviews Mac Digital Photography

Sibex is publishing some pretty impressive books on digital photography lately. Last month reviewed Mikkel Aeland's "Shooting Digital," a superb volume oriented towards advanced amateur (actual or aspiring) to professional digital camera users. The subject of this review, "Mac Digital Photography" by Dennis R. Cohen and Erica Sadun is focused more towards the Mac-using amateur snapshot photographer who wants to take his or her photographic techniques to another level, and to learn the ropes of editing and enhancing digital shots using software like Appl's iPhoto and Adobe's Photoshop Elements.

Consequently, Mac digital photography devotes a lot more pages to explain what you can do with your digital photos on the computer then the Aeland book does, as well as including tutorial material on basic “Photography 101” essentials. Other differences between the two books are that Mac Digital Photography is a more conventionally-sized book, and includes a CD containing commercial demo and shareware image editing software and utilities.
Dennis R. Cohen is coauthor of iLife Bible and Mac OS X Bible and has served as technical editor for a long list of Mac-related books. Erica Sadun is the author of eight Sybex books, including the award-winning iMovie 2 Solutions and the best-selling Digital Photography Essentials: Point, Shoot, Enhance, Share . She holds a master’s degree in digital imaging from the University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. from Georgia Tech’s Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center.
Mac Digital Photography is liberally illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and screenshots, all rendered in black and white save for a 16 page insert of color photos in the center of the book. The fewer color renderings are likely one reason why this book comes with a list price of $5 less than "Shooting Digital," notwithstanding the included CD.

I really like this book, it contains a ton of useful information and ideas for things to do with digital cameras that I never had thought of before. The tutorials on using iPhoto and Photoshop Elements are probably worth the price of admission alone. Speaking of which, while the book’s list price is $29.99, you can find it at Sybex Online or, for $20.99 -- 30% off list price -- not bad at all for a book with a bundled software CD. This book would make an excellent Christmas present for a Mac user on your list who has a digital camera, or to complement the gift of a digital camera itself.
Mac Digital PhotographyBy Dennis R. Cohen ;Erica Sadun List Price: US $ 29.99 Can $ 44.95 UK £ 22.99 Sybex Online Price: US $20.99 September 2003 1st edition 304 pages Softcover 1 CD Trimsize: 7.5 x 9” ISBN: 0-7821-4272-9 EAN: UPC: 0252-11-442722 Level: Beginning/IntermediateType: How-to/Reference
For more information, visit and

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