Thursday, March 01, 2007

Photoshop Tutorial - 2 Steps to Enhance Shadows and Highlights

This Photoshop tutorial will show you an incredibly effective way to enhance shadows and highlights within your digital images. You can create very interesting effects by using more prominent levels adjustments, or create subtle effects by using more slight levels adjustments. This tutorial does everything in a non-destructive way, which allows you to tweak the shadows and highlights at anytime.

Shadows and highlights help add more drama to an image, which is a simple way to bring the viewer into the image. The perceived dimension in the image is also heightened as the shadows and highlights are increased.

Step 1: PreparationDownload the starting image of Katie Holmes here. Open your image and then duplicate the image layer by pressing ctrl (command) + j on the keyboard. Set the blend mode for this duplicate layer to color. Next, select the layer below the duplicate in the layers palette.

Then continue as published here:

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