Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Photographing for Charities

If you're working as a photographer - and perhaps especially if you're just starting out, in the hope that you can build up a bit of a portfolio - you are often asked to take on the strangest assignments. Some of them can be a lot of fun, while others… in the immortal words of Borat: Not so much.

"I've done a fair bit of work which involves charities, and a few years back I noticed a new trend: They will want you to sign a contract as part of the photography work. You’ll want to read it carefully, because ‘charity’ isn’t automatically synonymous with ‘good people’: Some of their contracts will try and rob you of all your rights."

Read on at http://www.photocritic.org/2007/photographing-for-charities/

You may also enjoy How much should I charge for a photo and Be careful what you sign.


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