Monday, May 14, 2007

What do you do when they nick your photos?

There are a lot of weird things that happen in the world of photography. One of the nastiest things that can happen to you, is to have your photographs stolen: How do you prove that you took the photos? What can you do to make them stop using the photographs? And, of course, how can you protect yourself from this happening again? Should you be happy when they take the website down / stop using the photos, or should you seek legal advice and try to sue them?

So many questions. In this article, I’m taking a look at two scenarios that were recently brought to my attention. In one case, a young lady from Iceland claims she had her images ‘borrowed’ by a company that sells high-end photographic prints. In another, the photographer is taking Gene Simmons of the band KISS to court, as he believes they’ve made a lot of money selling his photos on their merchandise.

What can you do? Let’s find out…


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