Monday, February 04, 2008

The Epson P-5000

If you look at the $700 Epson P-5000 image tank and think to yourself “That’s what a low-end laptop costs with a larger HD and big screen! Why would I want that?!” then this review isn’t for you. But if you look at your laptop before every shoot and dread having to deal with it, then read on.
There are several key problems with laptops for on-location work:
The size requires additional baggage or the use of a larger camera bag
The battery life is short
They are easy targets for theft, requiring supervision when I’d rather be shooting
They require accessories to be fully functional (card readers, external HDs, etc.)
They add a lot of weight to an already heavy set of gear

Get an overview at

read Sebastian Szyszka's article at

Royalty-Free photograph of the Day: The state flags at Four Corners Monument, USA

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