Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Watch the Winners: NPPA Best of Photography Winners

Daily Interviews With the Judges Now Showing at NewsUJoin Al Tompkins in a daily Webcast to get an inside look at what the judges are saying about this year's competition. The live interviews are at noon, Eastern time, and each day's conversation will be archived and available for replay viewing. Al and company will discuss what impressed the judges, the ethical issues that arise and how the backpack journalist trend is affecting photojournalism.By the end of the week, you'll have a collection of interviews you can use as training sessions for yourself, for your staff and for your classroom.
Register now at www.newsu.org/NPPAbroadcast08.
And see the judges choice photography at Poynter Online

Photo of the day:
Scenery and Sights: The Hunter hoodoo Bryce Canyon National Park Agua CanyonScenery and Sights:
The Hunter - Agua Canyon
one of Bryce Canyon's famous Hodoos

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