Sunday, May 25, 2008

Eastman Kodak Co. and Xerox Corp and Drupa 2008

Eastman Kodak Co. and Xerox Corp. will be showing off their latest commercial printing gear and services next week at the world's largest print industry trade show.

Drupa 2008, being held in Dusseldorf, Germany, begins May 29 and runs for more than a week, with attendance expected to reach 400,000.

Drupa's importance has grown to the point where print companies now time and tailor their product development cycles for the quadrennial event, said Kevin Joyce, a Kodak vice president and chief marketing officer of its Graphic Communications Group.

"We really look forward to Drupa,” said Valerie Blauvelt, vice president of Xerox's Production Systems Group. “It’s a huge opportunity for us to talk about how our technology, how our workflow can help customers be successful.”

credits: Matthew Daneman at Democrat and

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Sunset over Edinburgh, ScotlandThe Sunsets Collection
Sunset over Edinburgh, Scotland

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