Friday, April 08, 2011

The Salt Flats of Death Valley

The low spot of California's Death Valley National Park is a gleaming white stretch that reflects the sunlight like a misplaced snow bank - one of the great icons of desert travel, a dried salt lake.
These salt flats make up a spectacular collection of chlorides, sulfates and carbonates that seem to be living and breathing and changing their way of revealing themselves on a daily basis.
Much later my car finally reached the bottom of the valley. All around me was the white expanse of the salt flat. I got out and walked a short distance out onto the billiard table surface. A small wind off to my left swirled a small whitish cloud high into the blue sky and made that swooshing sound accentuating its presence. In the distance, the mountains on all sides reached for the sky, leaving me behind in the quiet solitude of the basin.
I squatted down, rubbed my finger on the ground and tasted it. Yup, it tasted like salt alright ... and, boy, was it flat. Guess that's why they call it a salt flat.

The Salt Flats of Death Valley

The Salt Flats of Death Valley - Christine Till Fine Art Photography Print
© Christine Till - CT-Graphics

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