Friday, April 13, 2012

Church of Our Lady Before Tyn - Prague CZ

The Gothic Týn Church - also known as the 'Church of Madonna before Týn' (Kostel Panny Marie pred Týnem), or sometimes also called by the wrong name 'Church of Our Lady before Týn' - in Prague was built in 1365, a tumultuous period when Hussites were being slaughtered by the ruling Roman Catholics. It replaced an earlier Romanesque church. During the Hussite wars the church was occupied by Hussites. When Catholic Jesuits took it over they recasted the bell and replaced the Hussites symbolic chalice with a large figure of Mary nailed between the towers.
The interior of the church gives an impression of perfect balance. The vertical lines of the Gothic stand in harmony with decoration originating in all later styles. A beautiful entrance portal decorated with scenes of Christ's passion and a huge Rococo altar on the northern wall are the basilica's most striking features. The oldest pipe organ, built in 1673, in Prague stands inside Týn church. The organ has a grand sound and occasionally it is a concert venue.
The Church of Our Lady before Týn (Týnský chrám) is without doubt the most important ecclesiastical building on the right bank of the river Vltava. Its two spires (built at different times) are not symmetrical. This is characteristic of the gothic architecture of the time and is a representation of the masculine and feminine side of the world.
Looking at Praha's Church of Our Lady Before Tyn is like looking at a fairytale castle. I’m sure it inspired Disneyland designers.

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