Thursday, June 07, 2012

Titans battling outside Prague Castle

There are three different entrances to Prague Castle. If you start at the main gate on Hradèany Square, you'll pass through a gate flanked by two huge Titan statues, each with a giant sword and big hulking stick for whacking enemies under foot. These stone giants have dominated the First Courtyard since Empress Maria Theresa asked Ignatz Platzer to sculpt them in 1770, but the one's present today are copies made in 1912.

I imagine the message to visiting dignitaries was along the lines of: "Watch your manners or we will stomp you into the ground."

In Greek mythology, the Titans were the first generation of deities that ruled during the Golden Age. They were all childen of Uranos (The Heaven) and Gaia (The Earth). The Titans were later overthrown by a race of younger gods, the Olympians, led by Zeus in what is called the Titanomachy (War of the Titans).

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