Graceland is home to several tales of the supernatural, including the ominous "haunted" monument that graces the final resting place of former hotel owner and businessman Dexter Graves. Created by Lorado Taft, the artist christened the design "Eternal Silence" but the brooding and menacing figure has become more commonly known as the "Statue of Death". The figure was once black in color but over the years, the black has mostly worn away, exposing the green, weathered metal beneath. Only one portion of it remains dark and that is the face, which is hidden in the deepest folds of the figure's robe. It gives the impression that the menacing face is hidden in shadow.
"Eternal Silence" is by far the spookiest statue in Chicago's Graceland Cemetery, and the look of the image has given birth to several legends. It is said that anyone who looks into the face of the statue will get a glimpse of his or her own death to come. Obviously, this is not true, but the statue still gives me the creeps.
© CT-Graphics - Christine Till
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