Tuesday, November 07, 2006

How can you stop Adobe Photoshop CS2 from making 5 meg files into 32 meg files everytime i open them ?

Q: Its a pain , its naughty , i've no idea how to get the file size down properly without stretching it , i'm basically trying to get it from the finepix 9500 as is without any sizing on photshops part , the files are very big and slow to process when they get blown up - a 8 meg jpeg file is opened with cs2 and turns into a 30 meg monster - its a worry to resize without strecthing or distorting the image , is there a default size ?
I hope this makes sense and that the answers pretty simple - adobe help yields no answers.

A: The 8 MB jpeg file is, of course, compressed, and even worse, it is LOSSY COMPRESSED. I don't think that the photoshop file is, by default, compressed at all.

Assuming a 4:3 aspect ratio:
30 MB = (x)(4/3 x) (1 Byte) (3 channels) [in other worse, 3 bytes per pixel)
30 MB = (x)(4 x) = 4 x^2 ==> x = 2804

So I'm guessing that your image is 3700 x 2804? That would explain the 30 MB file?

There are only a few ways to resize an image in Photoshop:

-- Image > Image size.

-- Image > Canvas size (adds a border around the image, thus increasing the size because picture + border > picture alone).

-- Crop tool (in PS or in Camera Raw)
-- Make a rectangular selection and then choose Edit > Crop
-- Save for Web window has scaling options in it.

Thanks to grumblebee at http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/35540

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