Monday, March 07, 2011

Yaquina Lighthouses - Yaquina Head Lighthouse Western Oregon

The Yaquina Head Lighthouse, also known as the Cape Foulweather Lighthouse, is a lighthouse near Newport on the Oregon Coast of the United States near the mouth of the Yaquina River at Yaquina Head.
Yaquina Head Light stands 162 feet above sea level; its 93-foot-high tower is the tallest on the Oregon coast. It is the only lighthouse in the state in which the living quarters are housed in the same building as the light. Only a few of this type were built on the entire Pacific Coast. And it is the only Oregon Lighthouse with a marble floor. It still uses its original 1868 French-made Fixed Fresnel lens; visible 19 miles (31 km) out to sea.
The Yaquina Head Lighthouse is beautiful, and the views from the top are spectacular. But don't stop with the lighthouse. On the way to or from the light, take one of the trails down to the water, where you will find a unique cobble beach, and fascinating tidepools with colorful starfish and anemones, crabs and mussels, seals sunning themselves on rocks just a stone's throw from where you are. And if you are lucky, you might even spot a whale or massive golden eagles with binoculars.

Yaquina Lighthouses - Yaquina Head Lighthouse Western Oregon

Yaquina Lighthouses - Yaquina Head Lighthouse Western Oregon - Christine Till Fine Art Photography Print
© Christine Till - CT-Graphics, 2011

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